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- N° páginas : 96
- Medidas: 150 x 210 mm.
- Peso: 200 gr
- Encuadernación: Rústica
A guidance for documenting, studying an publishing architectural remains in archaeology.
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Architects have been instrumental in developing the methods and standards for documenting, studying and publishing architectural remains in archaeology. At many sites, their reconstruction drawings shape our understanding of destroyed monuments. Architects often play a leading role in the restoration and reconstruction of buildings. In many countries they also direct archaeological field projects. In this introduction to archaeological building research, the questions, methods, techniques and possible results of the work of architects in archaeology are presented, based on the work of the internationally active German Archaeological Institute. Emphasis is placed on the importance of drawings in documenting observations made in the field, as well as on methods of reconstruction and architectural analysis of building remains. The aim is to introduce architects and students of architecture to a special field of work, and to give experts from other disciplines an insight into the research questions and methodology of architects and their potential contribution to archaeology and cultural history.
Es un arquitecto alemán que trabaja en arqueología. Se doctoró en arquitectura por la Universidad Técnica de Karlsruhe (Alemania). Tras recibir una beca de viaje del Instituto Arqueológico Alemán, fue miembro científico en los departamentos de Madrid y El Cairo. Su campo de trabajo abarca desde la historia arquitectónica faraónica hasta la islámica. En Egipto ha dirigido proyectos en las pirámides de Dahshur y la ciudad de Elefantina. En España ha trabajado en Almería, Córdoba, la Alhambra y, desde 2016, en Madinat al-Zahra. Entre sus numerosas publicaciones destacan "Islamic Palace Architecture in the Western Mediterranean. A History" (Oxford University Press, 2017) y "Ancient Egyptian Architecture in Fifteen Monuments" (Cairo University Press, 2022). Desde 2021 es director científico del Departamento de Madrid del Instituto Arqueológico Alemán.