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Witticisms: portada
  • N° páginas : 288
  • Medidas: 200 x 200 mm.
  • Peso: gr
  • Encuadernación: Carton‚
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His 20 years of dedication to the letters of the editor earned Enrique Stuyck the Guinness World Record for the largest number published in a single year.

Luis Domínguez
Materia BIC:
Reportajes y colección de artículos periodísticos
17.79 €
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18.50 €

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Letters to the editor are a traditional means of expression through which anyone can express their thoughts publicly. However, they have become obsolete due to digitalisation, although this has not been the case for Enrique Stuyck Romá. His 20 years of dedication to these letters earned him the Guinness World Record for the largest number of letters published in a single year in a single newspaper. Following the success of the Spanish editions of his books — and considering the close ties between the author and the Anglo-Saxon world — a compilation of letters translated into English is now available to the public. In this volume, 250 “witticisms” selected from the 8,600 letters written by the author and published in different newspapers have been compiled. In these pages the reader can find the reflection of a transparent and true man who every day writes his “witticisms” using humour and irony with great intelligence.

Autor: Stuyck Romá , Enrique

Enrique Stuyck Romá (Madrid, 20 January 1943) is a non-practising lawyer, journalist by hobby and businessman by vocation. In 2003 he published his first book, Querida prensa (Dear Press). In 2020 the second volume, Una selección de las 3.000 cartas al director publicados al autor en 66 periódicos (A selection of the 3,000 letters to the editor published in 66 newspapers), was published; and in 2021 came to the market Las cartas de Enrique. Una selección de las 2000 cartas al director publicadas al autor en un solo año (Enrique’s letters. A selection of the 2,000 letters to the editor published to the author in a single year). In the professional field, he has worked for several years as president of the Walt Disney Company in Spain and Portugal, and is currently still linked to STOR, S.L., a company created in 1971, of which he is a founding partner.

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